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Folding | Special Characters | Problems | Mailing | Miscellaneous | Clippings | This site | Us
How to fold the paper case:
1. Fold the left and right sides (lines labelled "1" and "2").
2. Fold the bottom edge up to the line labelled "3". Then fold it back. This part will be the pocket.
3. Fold the top edge down to the line labelled "4" and then fold it back. Then fold the top edge down the the line labelled "5" and then fold it back. This will make the spine and top flap.
4. Spread the sides of the pocket to the sides to create "wings". Beginners can do this by folding lines "6" and "7" (first wing) and then lines "8" and "9" (second wing). Or, fold "6" and "8" and then "7" and "9". The fold lines may be off slightly depending on your printer.
5. Tuck the wings behind the front part of the pocket. The two letter "A"s should touch each other and the two letter "B"s should touch each other. Flatten the pocket. Your CD will go in the pocket.
6. Make little dog ears in the top flap (labelled "10" and "11").
7. Tuck the top flap into the pocket. Woohoo! You're done!
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The folding instructions are based on Tom Hull's original origami CD case instructions. We mirror his original instructions in PDF and GIF formats. Check out Tom's site for cool origami pictures.
Special characters (àccents, ¡'s, etc.) can be inserted using standard HTML entities or by directly entering them if your browser supports it. For example, Björk will yield Björk.
Problem viewing the CD case? First make sure you have the latest version of Acrobat Reader. The latest version is 6.0.
Does IE crash, complain about missing ActiveX controls, or is the case blank or missing tracks? If you are using a version of Acrobat 5 prior to 5.05, the Acrobat Reader plugin may be bad. To disable the plugin, do the following.
Won't display? (Bad security settings) If the CD case does not display and you are using Internet Explorer 6, your browser's security settings may be too restrictive. To make them less restrictive, do the following.
Case too small? In the Acrobat Reader Print window uncheck the Shrink oversized pages to paper size checkbox. The checkbox may actually have a slight different name.
Can't view Asian fonts? Make sure you have the Adobe Asian Font Pack. If you don't, Acrobat Reader will complain about corrupt or missing fonts.
Other problem? If you run into a problem, please email papercdcase@papercdcase.com. Please include as much information as you can - OS type/version, browser type/version, Acroread version, and what the error message said (if there was one). Thanks!
You can mail CDs in the paper CD cases. Tape the flap down before mailing. We also recommend that you not fold the spine. Skip step #3 to keep the case flat.
In the USA, the postal service requires 64 cents postage for one CD and 81 cents for two CDs. For more information see USPS Domestic Rates and Fees or USPS International Calculator.
If you find our site useful, please send us a mix CD of your favorite music. Check the Use MESH address box in the advanced form and our address will be filled in automatically when the case is created. If you want to address the case yourself, our address is:
EECS Building, U of M
1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
Please remember to fill in your return address - we may send you something cool.
Willie Northway has written a Perl script than converts a text file to a PaperCDCase PDF file. Download it here.
Doug Adams has written a script to import an iTunes playlist into papercdcase.com. Download it here.
Macintosh Digital Hub Site, "Doug Does it Again: An AppleScript for Creating CD Jackets", February 9, 2005
CanalPDA, "Fundas de papel para CD", January 5, 2005
BBC, "Click Online", December 17, 2004
SWR3, "Platzverweis", December 16, 2004
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, "Rämtsel: Gehen Sie ins Netz?", December 6, 2004, page 78
RTV Noord-Holland, "Links van Warnas", November 28, 2004
The Internet Tourbus, June 17, 2003
"Kim Komando Kool Site", June 30, 2003
Daily Telegraph (U.K.), May 27, 2003
"Computeractive", May 15-28, 2003 (Issue 137)
Internetworld, "Surftips", March 2003
99.3 Fox, "Geek of the Week", March 6, 2003
The Kim Komando Show Electronic Newsletter, March 1, 2003
Web Active Monthly, 6 February - 5 March, 2003
Sydney Morning Herald, "Icon", by Rose Vines, January 24, 2003
Lockergnome Windows Daily, "GnomeFAVORITE", December 16, 2002
.net (UK), December 2002
Joliet (Illinois) Herald News, "Surf Watch", July 15, 2002
San Diego Union-Tribune, Knight Ridder News Service, April 15, 2002, p. C2 (Business/Technology section)
Playboy, "Living Online", by Mark Frauenfelder, January 2002, p. 34
Yahoo Internet Life, "Incredibly Useful Sites: Useful Site for 06/20/01: Store CDs Neatly", June 20, 2001
eCompany (Business 2.0), "Site Unseen: Paper (Not Plastic)", by Colleen Bazdarich, April 13, 2001
Memepool, by George, February 28, 2001
Where did you hear about us? If you heard about us from someplace not listed above, please email us (papercdcase@papercdcase.com) the link or reference. Thanks!
This site runs on a "collocated" (shared) computer at John Companies. The OS is FreeBSD 4. The webserver is Apache. The CD database is in MySQL and was built from the FreeDB Project's database. Most of the pages you see are generated by PHP. The PDF files are generated by a Perl CGI script that uses the PDFLib library.
This site was created by Eric Cronin, David Helder, and Tony Kurc. The original site was created in association with MESH, a student group at the University of Michigan that works on software and hardware projects. The site is currently maintained in association with the Gizmolabs collective.